Things to think about.

“…whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” – Phil 4:8 

It’s that time of year when school busses wake from their summer hibernation to wreak havoc on morning commutes. It’s back-to-school season. Your days of ridding the bus might be over, but you too are in the midst of this season of new beginnings.

Are you ready?

I know I am. I am ready for Bible study on Sunday nights. I’m ready for competitive games of Kubb. I’m ready for food burnt over the fire, late movie nights, and tragic games of mafia. I’m ready for school to start.


There’s lots to do to get ready. So how’s your back-to-school checklist going?


I want to help out where I can, so when you come to church this Sunday or join us for Bible class starting on the 28th, I’ll have a welcome back gift for you – PENS. Lots of pens.


You can do a lot with a pen, can’t you?

You can use a pen to write a note of encouragement that strengthens a relationship, or a passive-aggressive warning to a roommate that puts distance between you and them.

You can use a pen to spread lies, or edify with the truth.

A pen can create beauty that reflects the light of Christ, or it can bring into being all manner of filth and depravity.

A pen can do a lot. You can do a lot with a pen.

So as I’m opening the packages and dividing up the pens, I am praying for you and for LCMS-U that we would reflect the light of Christ and use His love for us as a model for our lives. I pray that your year begins with thoughts of all things worthy of praise. I pray that you would remain anchored in the truth and that you would be strengthened with all that is honorable. I pray that you would delight in all that is pure and lovely.

I pray that every word you say - and write - shines with the light of Christ.


Can’t wait to share the year with you.


Lost in the crowd.


What do you want to be?