Jess Biermann was born into a pastor’s family in 1993. In 1998, his family moved from Holt, Michigan to St. Louis where Jess has called home ever since.  After completing his homeschool studies, he earned a BA in Philosophy with a concentration in applied ethics from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. In 2015, Jess returned to St. Louis to pursue a Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary. 

Through an LCMS-U event during his senior year of college, he met Education/Biology student, Johanna Johnson. After bonding over a mutual love of Cardinal baseball and college basketball, the two were married in June of 2017. Jess and Johanna have three children, Adelaide, Dietrich, and Genevieve.

In May of 2019, Jess graduated with his MDiv and is continuing his studies towards a PhD in Systematic Theology