Dust to Dust

Lent is here, and its time to head to church for Ash Wednesday services.

For many, Lent is a time for giving something up - a fast from the ordinary. Wether it’s a food, or pastime, or a vice that you’d be better off without, is there something you could do differently for the next 40 days? What habit could you cut out of your ordinary routine that would help remind you that life is anything but ordinary once Jesus has gotten a hold of you?.

Jesus has made his claim on you and nothing about you is ever same because of it. You belong to Jesus now. All of you.

This Lent I’d like to challenge you not only to give something up but to also pick something up in its place. Drop a vice and pick up a virture. I’ve even got one in mind if you need a suggestion.

This Lent, pick up the virtue of doing intentional, person devotions on a daily basis. I’ve got just the thing to help get you started. Download the Lenten Journal, and make this Ash Wednesday the first day of your Lenten observance as we look ahead to the joy of Easter morning.

Here’s a prayer taken from that journal that fits nicely with the day.

My soul is chastened within me, O God. Yet even in this crush of conviction there flickers a spark of hope, for you have told us you discipline those whom you love.

I have harmed another, O Lord, and now I have neither peace nor rest.
Yet I recognize in my own agitation the stirrings of your Spirit who works in us, ever for our good.

I have run from your presence and from my conscience, but I would run no more, O Lord.

I have hidden myself in shadows, seeking to avoid your face,
even as did my father Adam and my mother Eve in their first guilt.

I have drawn away from the sound of your voice, fearful of what you might speak, fearful of what obedience might require, for I have sinned, O Father, and I am pained at this thought, and shamed to bring my faults into the light...

I confess, O God, that I have broken faith, broken trust, wounded another,
and for this I repent.

Restorer of all things, redeem the damage I have done.
Restore, remake, rekindle, rebuild. Heal, comfort, and repair.

Knit together that which I have rent...

Forgive me, O Lord, lest I despair. Restore me, lest I be forever lost. For your pardon alone is sufficient to my peace;

and your death to my resurrection. Embrace me again to life
and to right standing with you, O God, and to the fellowship of love
and compassion that is your church.

I am always, every moment, in need of you. Amen.

Remember, you are dust; to dust you shall return; from dust you shall be remade.

