College is Tough
Lutheran Campus Ministry at SIUE
Sharing the Love of God and shining the light of Christ on the campus of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville through Bible study, fellowship, and outreach
What is LCMS-U?
In an age where the world’s claims to truth are as disparate as they are relentless, it is critical that the church responds by doubling down on her task of discipleship.
LCMS-U works to raise up college students who know who their Lord is and recognize that who they are in Him is a responsibility that cannot be taken lightly.
Our Goal
We seek to form servants whose trust is anchored in Christ crucified and whose confession of His resurrection is embodied in a cruciform life that is lived in service to the other.
This is what LCMS-U is all about.

Do you have questions?
Are you curious about Christianity?
Do you need someone to listen?

Contact us.
(314) 255 8066
600 Water Street
Edwardsville, IL. 62025